But first, let me share with you a quick story that may help you understand why I'm someone worth listening to, and more importantly, how YOU WILL use this to sequentially level-up your business and life, fast.
In March 2017, I sat in a depth of deep depression, as I watched everything I’ve ever worked for crumble around me.
Prior to that, I was grinding away at a vision of entrepreneurial greatness, with high hopes of my life “when I figure it out”.
You see, all I wanted was to generate financial freedom for myself, without relying on anyone else...
Figuratively, All my life I was constantly running away from this internal beast…
...A beast whose only purpose was to remind me of my shortcomings, flaws and reasons why I would never make it, as I watched my failures increase, and my debt raise through the roof...
What’s even worse, this is a beast that has followed me my entire LIFE.
In school, my friends were in the “smart groups” as a brutal reminder of what I was not.
In sports, no one was more driven than I was, but the beast always put me in my place as my teammates passed me up, got all the awards, while I was left sad and confused on what I did wrong...
But on the outside?
All anyone saw were the lies I would feed them...